Current Charity Project

Our current project is collecting handmade donations for Rush Copley Medical Center's NICU. They have a Level III NICU and accept preemies as young as 23 weeks gestation, low birth weight infants as small as 450 grams, babies born with congenital conditions or medical complications, infants requiring special care or surgery, and of course healthy full-term infants.

The NICU is most in need of blankets for the babies in the hospital. They can range from 12 inches to 36 inches. We hope to provide at least 500 blankets for the babies at Rush Copley.

The NICU also needs hats, booties, and headbands. The average full-term infant needs hats that are 11-15 inches circumference and 5-6 inches from top to brim. Preemie hats of various sizes are also needed. Our goal is to provide 1000 hats and as many booties and headbands as we can collect for the babies at Rush Copley.

The hospital asks that all yarn be SOFT and machine washable/dryable - any fiber type or color is ok if it meets these 2 requirements. Please use your best judgement on yarn choice, for example, make tiny preemie hats out of fingering or baby weight yarn, etc.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Exceeding our Expectations

We have reached our goal of over 200 items to deliver to Countryside Care Center!

Don't stop stitching yet, we have 3 weeks to go! The extras will be left with Countryside to hand out to residents if there is a need or if we make enough gifts, we may be able to visit a smaller local nursing home to hand out gifts as well. We'd love to spread the joy to as many nursing home residents as we can - the more the merrier!

REMINDER: We truely appreciate all of you who have so generously donated! However, we want all of your gifts to be able to loved and last for a long time. In order for this to be possible, please remember that Machine wash/dry yarn such as acrylic is important. Also, please be sure to leave at least 6 inch tails and weave them in securely so they hold up to the washing at the nursing home. Thank you :)

Thank you again to all of you who have donated over the last few months!

Judy Babich of Sugar Grove donated many Christmas bags for wrapping.

Audrey Wirth of Aurora donated a bunch of yarn.

West Aurora High School collected yarn for us, also. Special thanks to Mr. Scharm, the activities director, who spread the word at West High.

Sheri from Washington sent us some great yarn, some of which has already been made into projects you'll see later in the thread.

Nanette from Georgia sent us a great package of handmade gifts. You'll see close-ups later in this blog.

Amy of Sugar Grove sent us a BIG bag of yarn and also some projects that her grandmother started that we can finish for the residents.

Sheri McDonough of Sugar Grove made a nice donation of yarn.

Mary Love of Batavia donated some great yarn for shawls or afghans.

"Prayers and Squares" from Sugar Grove's United Methodist Church sent us 6 beautiful quilts that follow below. A big thank you to the members; Betty Bohlander, Joan Perrin, Karen Griffin, and Nancy Wolbert.
Gift #149
Quilt by "Prayers and Squares"

Gift #150
Quilt by "Prayers and Squares"

Gift #151
Quilt by "Prayers and Squares"

Gift #152
Quilt by "Prayers and Squares"

Gift #153
Quilt by "Prayers and Squares"

Gift #154
Quilt by "Prayers and Squares"

Gift #155
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #156
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #157
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #158
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #159
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #160
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #161
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #162
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #163
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #164
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter


Gift #165
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #166
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #167
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #168
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter


Gift #169
Wheelchair Bag by Lucille Winter

Gift #170
Afghan made by Beth Winter

Gift #171
Afghan made by Beth Winter

Gift #172
Afghan made by Beth Winter

Gift #173
Socks made by Nanette

Gift #174
Blanket made by Nanette

Gift #175
Blanket made by Nanette

Gift #176
Blanket made by Nanette

Afghan donated by Shirley Welte of Aurora and made by her late grandmother

Afghan donated by Shirley Welte of Aurora and made by her late grandmother

Afghan donated by Shirley Welte of Aurora and made by her late grandmother

Afghan and matching pillow donated by Shirley Welte of Aurora and made by her late grandmother

Afghan donated by Shirley Welte of Aurora and made by her late grandmother

Afghan donated by Shirley Welte of Aurora and made by her late grandmother

Afghan donated by Shirley Welte of Aurora and made by her late grandmother

Afghan donated by Shirley Welte of Aurora and made by her late grandmother

Wheelchair bag made by Cyndy Wollenweber

Wheelchair bag made by Cyndy Wollenweber

Wheelchair bag made by Cyndy Wollenweber

Wheelchair bag made by Chenise Paskewicz


Wheelchair bag made by Lauren Kiley

Weheelchair bag made by Lauren Kiley (don't know why this picture insists on being sideways, but I can't fix it)

Wheelchair bag made by Lauren Kiley

Wheelchair bag made by Lauren Kiley

Wheelchair bag made by Chenise Paskewicz

Afghan made by Chrissy Penna

Wheelchair bag made by Carissa Winter

Wheelchair bag made by Carissa Winter

Wheelchair bag made by Lindsey Winter

To Be Continued....

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